April Trex plastic recycling updates

April 14: For the 2022-2023 TREX Challenge, which ended on April 14th, the JME community collected 1,618 pounds of plastic.  This was enough to win our NW category of elementary schools with a school population between 600-800 students.  Congratulations on another successful year of saving plastic from the landfills!  There were 608 total schools that participated across the United States, and the average collection per school was 693 pounds, so JME was well above average. Well-done!  

Keep on bringing in your clean, dry stretchy plastic as we weigh and record those donations for next year's challenge.  We already have 38 pounds of plastic collected for next year's challenge!  

The Green Team thanks you and our planet thanks you too!  

April 7: WOW! This week's plastic donation total was 64 pounds, so our total so far is 1,462  pounds.  Next Friday, April 14th, is the deadline for this year's TREX Challenge.  Help us reach our 1,500 pound goal! JUST 38 POUNDS TO GO!  After April 14th, it's great if you continue to bring in your plastic for recycling.  TREX lets us start adding up those donations for next year's TREX Challenge. 

The Green Team thanks you, and our planet thanks you too! 


Waste free lunch week


Spring Book Fair