November TREX plastic recycling

November 17: Wow! We have a total of 622 pounds of plastic already, well past the 600 pound goal! Let's see if we can have a total of 700 pounds of plastic by Winter Break! 

Also, the donations have been bagged in white or clear bags, and they have been very clean. Thank you for being so great at making sure all plastic donations are clean, dry and stretchy!

The Green Team thanks you, and our planet thanks you too!

As of November 3rd, we've added another 51 pounds of clean, dry stretchy plastic for recycling. Our total is now 563 pounds. Let's try to reach 600 pounds by the end of November. Just 37 pounds to go!  Well done! 

The Green Team thanks you and our planet thanks you too!


December trex plastic recycling updates


Food waste reduction video